I just finished Liars today! I'd read the Parul piece a while ago, it nudged me read it, and the novel, as did a review by Brian Dillon in the NYT. I'd like to recommend Crazy, by Jane Feaver, an auto fiction novel that also deals with the story of a broken marriage, but so much more, by a woman in middle age, a creative writing lecturer and author; written beautifully and beguilingly playing with time across her life span from childhood to student days at Oxford, working at a publisher (Faber?) to middle age, motherhood and more ... x Rosie

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Have you come across the art and poetry of Sophie Herxheimer? I feel in particular that you would like her collages, which use written extracts and found pictures in a similar form.

I love your substack. Please keep it up. Also, every film and book I watch/read based on your recommendations is always a winner. Thank you.

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Your writing always names emotions with such honesty and clarity, Zeba. I can't get this line out of my head: 'This seemingly impossible task of maintaining a dignified sense of self around people who are meant to love you.'

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